Εμπειρική εκτίμηση των παραγόντων προσδιορισμού της συναλλαγματικής ισοτιμίας δρχ./$

Γιάννης Παλαιολόγος, Σπύρος Ε. Γεωργαντέλης


In this paper ("An Empirical Investigation of the Factors Determining the Exchange Rate of Dr/$")we
present a number of models explaining the behaviour of Dr/$ exchange rate. More specifically, the monetary
model was tested and it was found that Bilson's version as well as Hooper- Morton's came ahead of
the others. Furthermore, the efficiency market hypothesis was tested with rejection of the speculative market
hypothesis. Finally, the random - walk model was found inappropriate compared with other univariate
models as well as with other structural economics models of exchange rate behaviour.


Exchange parity; Exchange rate

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η δικτυακή πύλη της ευρωπαϊκής ένωσης ψηφιακή ελλάδα ΕΣΠΑ 2007-2013