Αριστοποίηση του σχέδιου δειγματοληψίας για τη δειγματοληπτική εκτίμηση της αξίας των οφειλόμενων εισφορών ενος οργανισμού κοινωνικής ασφαλίσεως
During the study of the financial position of a Social Security Organization, the Method of Census is
basically applied. Nevertheless, there are values which demand a large amount of expenses as well as of
time in order to be verified with the census. This need has led us to the investigation of the possibility to
apply the Sampling Method for the estimation, at a certain confidence level, of the amount of these values
needed for the Actuarial Balance.
basically applied. Nevertheless, there are values which demand a large amount of expenses as well as of
time in order to be verified with the census. This need has led us to the investigation of the possibility to
apply the Sampling Method for the estimation, at a certain confidence level, of the amount of these values
needed for the Actuarial Balance.
Sampling; Economic statistic