Η χρήση της δυϊκής θεωρίας στην ανάλυση της συμπεριφοράς του καταναλωτή: μια επισκόπηση της πρόσφατης εμπειρίας
This paper provides a comprehensive review of duality principles in consumer demand analysis. The
properties of the dual (indirect) functions as well as those of the demand functions are presented and some
comparative static results are derived in a simpler than the primal approach way. Also, two empirical
illustrations are presented to show the usefulness of duality in applied demand analysis: the indirect utility
function and the almost ideal demand system.
properties of the dual (indirect) functions as well as those of the demand functions are presented and some
comparative static results are derived in a simpler than the primal approach way. Also, two empirical
illustrations are presented to show the usefulness of duality in applied demand analysis: the indirect utility
function and the almost ideal demand system.
Consumer demand; Cost of living