Βελτίωση της ποιότητας στην τριτοβάμια εκπαίδευση: διερεύνηση των αντιλήψεων των φοιτητών για τα κριτήρια αξιολόγησης του αποτελεσματικού καθηγητή πανεπιστημίου
The evaluation and continuous improvement of the quality of teaching and learning within a
university setting has been always a major concern of the accreditation agencies. The purpose of
this study is to examine the importance of the criteria of the effective university professor based
on student-originating variables (gender, student status). In order to achieve our purpose
students' perceptions of the «ideal teacher» were studied and an appropriate instrument was
constructed measuring the importance of 42 criteria of teaching effectiveness. The data were
collected from a sample of 289 management undergraduate and postgraduate students, who were
asked to rate criteria of teacher effectiveness based on the student's rating (importance) in
academic education. In many instances different criteria are supported by undergraduate versus
postgraduate students and by male versus female students.
university setting has been always a major concern of the accreditation agencies. The purpose of
this study is to examine the importance of the criteria of the effective university professor based
on student-originating variables (gender, student status). In order to achieve our purpose
students' perceptions of the «ideal teacher» were studied and an appropriate instrument was
constructed measuring the importance of 42 criteria of teaching effectiveness. The data were
collected from a sample of 289 management undergraduate and postgraduate students, who were
asked to rate criteria of teacher effectiveness based on the student's rating (importance) in
academic education. In many instances different criteria are supported by undergraduate versus
postgraduate students and by male versus female students.
Higher education; Teaching quality