Συγκριτική ανάλυση του κόστους μεταφοράς εμπορευμάτων με σιδηροδρομικά, ακτοπλοϊκά και αεροπορικά συστήματα μεταφορών
COST FOR THE RAIL, SEA AND AIR TRANSPORT SYSTEMS") the commodities transportation
cost for the three basic transport systems (rail, sea and air) is examined. In particular, the per Km and per
Kg transport cost among the basic transportation nodes of Greece is evaluated, and relations between
distance and transport cost for the three systems under consideration are analyzed. Emphasis is given to
the border regions of Greece (Aegean Islands, Thrace). The commodities examined represent typical
agricultural products of Greece and especially of the Aegean Islands (sweet products, leather). Based on
the results of the above analysis we perform a comparative study of the fluctuations of the per Km and per Kg
transport cost on a regional basis as well as among the various transport systems. Finally, conclusions
regarding regional discrepancies are given. Container - based transports are also extensively examined.
COST FOR THE RAIL, SEA AND AIR TRANSPORT SYSTEMS") the commodities transportation
cost for the three basic transport systems (rail, sea and air) is examined. In particular, the per Km and per
Kg transport cost among the basic transportation nodes of Greece is evaluated, and relations between
distance and transport cost for the three systems under consideration are analyzed. Emphasis is given to
the border regions of Greece (Aegean Islands, Thrace). The commodities examined represent typical
agricultural products of Greece and especially of the Aegean Islands (sweet products, leather). Based on
the results of the above analysis we perform a comparative study of the fluctuations of the per Km and per Kg
transport cost on a regional basis as well as among the various transport systems. Finally, conclusions
regarding regional discrepancies are given. Container - based transports are also extensively examined.
Mode of transport; Carriage of goods