Spoudai Special Issue

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We invite you to submit a paper for publication in the forthcoming issue of volume 63 (2013) of SPOUDAI Journal titled "Shipping and the many facets of crisis".
The Guest Editor for this Special Issue is Dr. Helen A.Thanopoulou, Associate Professor at the Dept.of Shipping, Trade and Transport of the University of the Aegean. Contributions which make use of the methods of mathematics, statistics and operations research have always been welcomed, provided conclusions are factual and adequately explained. Policy papers are also welcome for this special issue which addresses the various dimensions of a crisis which has marked international shipping since the financial crunch finally gripped world markets in mid- September 2008.
Papers submitted may have previously been presented at conferences; however, they should not have been submitted elsewhere for publication and should be copyright-free. The length of each manuscript - to be submitted no later than June 1st 2013 - should not exceed 7000 words including references. General Instructions for papers and electronic submission details are available at the journal's site. Manuscripts can be submitted via e-mail at hethan@aegean.gr or electronically through the journal's website and in any acceptable format, provided that authors abide by the journal's guidelines following the peer review process and notification of final acceptance. The special issue referees are selected among well-known researchers and academics in the wider field of Maritime Studies. We are looking forward to receiving your contribution to the Special issue.