Teaching econometrics to a large class: a case in Greece
Papers on Econometrics teaching are not published very often. The ones which have been published (see, e.g., Tintner (1955)) are more of a survey type. One possible reason for this is that teaching Econometrics to a relatively large class is not, so far as I know, common practice in West European and other Universities. The author had that experience in Athens Graduate School of Economics and Business Science (ASEBS) during the academic year 1974- 75. The purpose of this paper is to explore the relation between the students' performance in Econometrics and their High School, University Entrance Examination and first three years University performance. The effect which the optional subject of Mathematical Statistics, the class work and the sex of the students had on their Econometrics performance is investigated using dummy variables. Covariance analysis is employed to examine whether these latter factors made any difference on the students' performance in Econometrics when their marks in related subjects, taken in their first three years in the School, were used as explanatory variables. Finally the relation between Econometrics and related subjects, High School, University Entrance Examination and the Degree results of some students who graduated in June 1975 is investigated using correlation analysis.
Econometry; Education; Teaching; Greece